In this blog, I am spotlighting a mother and daughter team who is very special to me. Let me begin by introducing you to Miss Riley Sprague and her mother Renee Sprague. Employee and Small Business Owner of Pieces with Purpose. Riley is very dear to my heart for I had the honor of providing occupational therapy with this sweet young lady when she was in kindergarten. Many years later our paths crossed again when she signed up for my sensory and movement classes at Lacey's Performing Arts Dance Studio. We are so blessed to have Riley as part of our adult class, for her excitement and upbeat personality is very contagious to all the participants including myself! She also is extremely helpful and a great role model to her friends that need extra support. Riley thank you for sharing your sunshine with the rest of us!!! It cannot go unnoticed what an amazing mother Renee is. She goes above and beyond to support her daughter and other individuals with developmental disabilities. I highly recommend you take a few minutes to read how Renee and Riley are making an impact on their community.
1.Tell me your name and a little bit about yourself (hobbies, interests, favorites, etc.)?
Our names are Riley and Renee. We live at Atwood Lake and we both love boating!! Riley also loves dancing at Lacey PAC where she has made a lot of new friends.

2. What is your company name?
Pieces with Purpose
3. What is your role?
Owners & Employees
We employ 9 individuals with special needs.
4. How long have you been in this role?
We have been in this role since 2016.
5. What made you start your business?
We started the business so that when Riley graduated school, she would have a job working out with the public and we also wanted a safe place for other individuals with special needs to work.

6. What type of products can someone find at your business?
We sell:
Just about anything you can press on or embroider on.
7. What type of skills are important for an employee to have at your business?
Riley's favorite role at the store is greeting people and cashing them out on the register. She also presses shirts. Unpack inventory when it comes in. Weeds the vinyl and cleans when needed.
8. Please tell the readers something they would be surprised to know about you.
Riley loves people so when we have a lot of customers that makes her very HAPPY!
9. What’s a typical day or week for you at your business?
Riley starts her day by wiping down all the dust off the machine before she turns them on and then she waits patiently so she can flip the sign on our window to OPEN. Then it's time to get busy filling all the orders.

10. What are some of the challenges of your role?
Sometimes it is hard for Riley to stay focused or on task when she hears the door open at the store. She leaves what she is doing to go greet who has come into the store.
11. What are the rewards?
Riley has a safe and fun place to work, and she brings home a paycheck so she can get her nails done and buy lunch at McDonalds.
12. Do you have any words of wisdom for the readers?
Embrace the special needs community. They have so much love and ability to be out in the workplace.
13. Please highlight some of the events/projects/services you're involved with?
The last few years we have set up at the Challenger State Baseball tournament in Dover and sold shirts. So much FUN!

14. What is next for you?
Just keep growing the business to employ more individuals with special needs.
15. How can people reach you with questions or find out more about all the great services you offer?
Pieces With Purpose
581 6th Street
Carrollton, Ohio 44615
Phone: 330-627-1854
Email: Pieceswp581@gmail.com
Website: Pieceswithpurposecustometee.com
16. Please feel free to share anything else you would like to share with readers.
If your ever in the area, please STOP IN AND SAY HI!! We love visitors!