Parents, how many times have you heard your child say that famous phrase? I am sure you are familiar with hearing it from time to time. This past year with being cooped up at home due to the pandemic I have been guilty of saying that phrase. It would of been so easy for me to just veg out in front of the the television or play video games all day, but instead I channeled my energy into creating new things. I don't know if I would of ever pursued these things had I not slowed down or been cooped up at home. So the next time you hear your little one say "I am bored" jump on that opportunity to encourage some learning through using their imagination, and getting up and moving their bodies.
Everyone is different and throughout the day our energy level may fluctuate. Same with your little ones, therefore tailor activities to meet their energy level. If your child's energy level is slow lets encourage them to get up and move their bodies. With the weather getting colder and forcing children to be indoors more it can be challenging to come up with movement based activities.
Movement based ideas:
1. Scavenger hunt around the house for favorite toys or items
2. Build a fort out of pillows and blankets
3. Ice skate inside by using paper plates or wax paper under their feet.
4. Imitate animal movements like my arctic walk video I included in this blog.
5. Themed based movement stories.
Maybe your child's energy level is just the opposite and their little bodies are running to fast. Your house may look like a tornado just went through because toys are scattered everywhere. They are having a difficult time focusing on anything. It may be beneficial to use calming activities after they have been constantly moving to slow their bodies down.
Calming activities:
Kids yoga
Deep breathing
Heavy work activities
Deep pressure input like bear hugs, wall push ups, crawling, rolling up in a blanket like a burrito, or rolling an exercise ball up and down their backs
Listening to calming music, nature sounds, or white noise.
I have included some of my videos that will hopefully give you some ideas to help your child overcome the I'm bored phase. Also keeping in mind of what you child needs to get their bodies regulated or feeling just right. Hang in there spring is in the near future when the weather gets warm and the kids can get outside to run some energy off. Until then try to fuel their imagination, and learn through movement.
Thanks again for reading my blogs, and watching my videos. Send me a message I would love to hear if any of these techniques help your child, or if you have found something different that works for you.
Miss Farrah