My latest two videos gave me inspiration to write this blog about superheros with superpowers. Of course I do not possess the ability to run like the flash, or fly like superman. Some may look at what I do as ordinary but to me it is pretty amazing because my superpower is being able to help a wide range of children everyday. This may be through providing occupational therapy, instructing color guard/dance,or creating videos geared toward children activities. I knew from a young age I wanted to work with children and help them the way people have helped me in the past. I feel like God had a hand in this decision as he guided me in this direction through a life changing event. Do you know the old saying what does not kill you will make you stronger? I am walking proof of that statement.

When I was just a little ginger girl enjoying being a kid on summer break like most children. My life changed in a flash as I am a proud survivor of Bacteria Meningitis. I am approaching the anniversary of that scary event that tried to end my life. July 12th is a reminder to myself of what I lived through, and how love and support helped me overcome this set back. I was told I would never walk on my own again, and I made up my mind to prove them wrong. With the help of some pretty amazing superheros I regained my strength and mobility. These superheros (therapist) taught me the right tools in order to reach my goals. Family, friends, and the community gave me the motivation to continue down the path to recovery. It took a village of superheros to inspire me when the days got tough. I know that I am truly blessed to be alive, and words cannot express how much I appreciate having a second chance of life! Instead of being angry I wear my scars on my legs proud. The scars are a reminder of a little ginger girls' mindset and determination. July 12th is the anniversary of the day that changed my life, for it is the day I found my superpower! I knew from my experience I wanted to have my own superpower to share with children.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, therefore I do not let my challenges in life weigh me down. My father was a superhero to me and no he did not have super strength or jump from tall buildings. His superpower was believing. He taught me to believe in myself no matter how hard things got. So when life knocks me down I try to pick myself up, and believe that God gave me a second chance at life for a reason. I feel like that reason is to share my superpowers with others.
These past four months of living through this pandemic has been extremely tough for everyone. It is easy to get depressed about all the negative in the world right now. Therefore, I am trying hard to let the positive shine through. You know when life hands you lemons make lemonade! I feel like this time at home has allowed me to reflect on my skills. Expanding my skills by developing new ways of reaching children. In fact I have a few new projects in the works that may have never had happened if life would not had thrown me this curve ball. It is mind blowing to think how much slowing down and looking at life from a different angle can really make an impact.
Remember, everyone has a superpower to share with the world. The biggest challenge is discovering it. When you find what your passionate for, or those god given skills that can change a persons life then take the leap to make a difference!

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Thanks for all the support
Miss Farrah